The Dragon Huntress
By G3o7l4
  • Fantasy
  • dragon
  • dragonrider
  • fantasy
  • fight
  • girl
  • hunter
  • huntress
  • magicacademy
  • supernatural
  • texttospeech


Even when growing up, Elia didn't fit in with the other girls. They would dress up in dresses. She wore cloaks. They would cook and sew. She would throw knives. They liked boys. She liked bows. Elia was a bit of an outcast to her village, with her striking dark brown hair that was always kept back in a fishtail plait, and her light blue/green eyes that seemed to change colour in the light. She had no parents, and at 16 lives alone, and breathlessly waits each year to watch the dragons during the Week of Xanithar, admiring the way they fly, wild and free. This year is her year of testing, at 16. The first of the four dragon riders to get to the village can claim it. The moment that dragon rider sets foot on the ground of your village, the emblem of that academy is hung from the flag and any new dragon riders in their village are the new students for the academy. Each village has 4 new dragon riders, this is the way it has been for years. Male or female they are claimed and tested to find the four riders a week after. The challenge for the dragon riders in the Week of Xanithar is to claim as many strong blooded villages as possible. And now it's her turn.

Huntress's Mark

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The Drago...
by G3o7l4