The Exiled Prince
By 29tigers
  • Fanfiction
  • crossover
  • exile
  • harem
  • holybritannianempire
  • izuku
  • izukuprince
  • izukuxharem
  • massiveharem
  • mha
  • princeizuku


Izuku Di Britannia, the birth name of Izuku, Izuku is a half-blooded Britannian, and he is despised by the high class of the Empire, and his family. At the age of 8, he and his mother are sent to Japan. Izuku is now known as Izuku Midoriya, and he has a deep hatred for his father, the 110th Emperor of the Empire. Izuku wants to become a hero in Japan to show everyone what he can do, and maybe strike fear in the heart of his father. But soon, all those years of peace and tranquility that Izuku has gotten used to are about to fade. As The Holy Britannia Empire makes preparations for war with the nation of Japan, to bring it into the empire. How can Izuku deal with his secret, love, school, villains, and the threat of war?

Izuku's harem & info

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The Exile...
by 29tigers