The Dreams That Wer...
By Wallbottom
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • fantasy
  • gaylove
  • gayness
  • kidnapping
  • lgbt
  • malexmale
  • paranormal
  • science-fantasy
  • scifi
  • supernatural
  • thriller
  • wattpride
  • wattys2019


Aaron wakes up the night of his 24th birthday tied up in an unfamiliar bed. The day the love of his life ceased to exist he fell into a stream and floated away into a different future, with a different job. Aaron didn't work in any ordinary place. He didn't work behind the register at a grocery store or as a barista at a coffee shop. He wasn't a salesman. He didn't go around knocking on doors. He had no contact with children or the elderly or women asking if they could speak to the manager. Aaron sold a service, but a special kind of service. One that turned out to be a lot more dangerous than he first thought. He sold his dreams.

Chapter One: Dandelion & Jupiter

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The Dream...
by Wallbottom