A Rose For The Beas...
By NamrataVerma7
  • Romance
  • beast
  • beauty
  • beautyandthebeast
  • bloodlines
  • brides
  • hunk
  • india
  • indianmafia
  • indianmarriage
  • mafiaandbeauty
  • mafiagang
  • mafiaking
  • marriageproposal
  • possessivelover
  • rose
  • saraalikhan


Tale as old as Time! A new version of Beauty and The Beast in my writing. Wha-wha-what d-d-do yo-you want from me?? Ah! Don't you already know Jhilmil??? I WANT YOU my rose!!! Remember you are MINE.... FOREVER!!!! He cupped her angelic face and said in a husky voice near her earlobe- Love, next time you try running away from me and I will lock you forever in this very golden cage that you see!!! They said, He is a Beast! He knew She is the one for him. 20years old Jhilmil is a girl next door. She has planned her life in a very normal way... little did she know that her world is going to change into a roller coaster when she happens to be stuck with a strong headed Businessman cum Mafia. 28years old Raghuvendra Singh Rathore is a cruel mafia beast and also for the tabloids he is a sharp Businessman. His life is full of thrones. Their lives collided when Raghuvendra sees Jhilmil for the first time and fell in love at first sight for his Rose. And he is determined to make her his by hook or crook. This is a Love-Hate story of two true soulmates. Join in their journey of hate, fear and rivalry which turns into true love still running on Fire.

The Beast

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A Rose Fo...
by NamrataVerma7