Let the drama begin
By DramaticMuch27
  • Teen Fiction
  • drama
  • player
  • teenhatred


Skylar has a amazing best friend and a 'wonderful boyfriend'. She's not so popular, she's not a nerd either. She fits in just perfectly.She lives alone and has a huge grudge on her next door neighbor, Daniel, who also goes to her school. Daniel is one of the schools biggest players. Why does she have a grudge on him? You might ask. Let me explain why. Last year Daniel cheated on her best friend, Cassie. Daniel cheated on Cassie right where Cassie could see. So being the best friend that she is, skylar dumped a milkshake over Daniels head. Which resulted in Daniel hating her as well. Since Daniel hates her, she's one of the only girls in school that he hasn't played .What happens when skylar is asked to tutor Daniel? Will they put up with each other or end up hating each other even more? Read to find out

Chapter 1 : How the Drama Began

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Let the d...
by DramaticMuch27