The Celebrity Floor
By MadiRusherxo
  • Fantasy


Madison was a normal girl. Well sort of. Her dad was the prowd owner of the Boxina hotels, the largest hotel chain the world. It all started when she was 2 years old, and her dad bought his first hotel. Now she is 15 and nothing has realy changed. She is still used to getting whatever she wants. She has been into musical theatre since she was little because it was sort of an escape. She could act like someone she wasn't for a while. After her mom died, she fled to theatre to comfort her, and has loved it ever since. She lives in the biggest hotel her dad has built so far, and she even has her own room all to herself. Her dad did this because he never gets to see her anymore. He was always working, or prommoting, or just being an owner and solving everyone else's problems. Now the whole staff knows who she is, and she is closer to the staff than any of her family. One special thing about the Boxina hotels is that there is a Celebrity Floor. Madison loves to venture to this floor and meet celebrities from time to time. But what happens to her after she meets one that changes her life.

Floor 109 Room 143: Madison's Room

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The Celeb...
by MadiRusherxo