Your Eyes Has It
By SurbhiPandey_
  • Romance
  • bullies
  • clar
  • college
  • collegeromance
  • collegestories
  • collegestudent
  • encounter
  • eyes
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • firstloves
  • harmless
  • hasit
  • high
  • josh
  • love
  • noah
  • pandey
  • past
  • romance
  • sacrifice
  • surbhi
  • teen
  • teenromance
  • youreyeshasit


"Don't make this mistake. Don't look in my eyes. This hazel brown in my iris runs more wild than you can ever imagine. Once you lock it, it can peek into your deepest darkest desire, dismantling you from piece to piece, leaving you nothing but hollow and transparent. The world that you hid so well would come crumbling down. Nothing would be a secret anymore. I may be the monster under your bed or the devil in you- No, I am the monster." Peril Institute of liberal studies is just like your average institute, here the students are also ranked between two ranks, bullies and the one being bullied...victims. In between everything that is so similar, there still is something- someone who is not just an average person that you might cross paths with. Josh, a carefree soul, with all the qualities of being a bully, still chooses to be the victim and is hiding a secret ever so deadly and sickening. Once it is revealed, hearts will be broken, lives will be risked and what not. And who is this sophomore Noah that is pestering Josh into reminiscing every detail of the deadly past? Read the story to know about it all in sheer detail. Story by- Surbhi Pandey.


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Your Eyes...
by SurbhiPandey_