The Central City Sp...
By ElusiveWriter21
  • Fanfiction
  • arrow
  • arrowverse
  • barryallen
  • caitlinsnow
  • cecilhorton
  • ciscoramon
  • dc
  • doctoroctopus
  • flash
  • hrwells
  • iriswestallen
  • jessequick
  • jessewells
  • joewest
  • kidflash
  • killerfrost
  • noraallen
  • spider-man
  • texttospeech
  • vibe
  • wallywest
  • xs


(ARROWVERSE AU- takes place after season six of Arrow and Season Four of the Flash. I've seen both season five and seven and they won't even be close to the same. WARNING) (DISCLAIMER: THIS DOES NOT BELONG TO ME. ALL OF THIS BELONGS TO THE CW) After being offered a job in Star City as a forensic scientist under police captain Dinah Drake, Lukas Vincent decides to go to Central City to train under one of the best forensic scientist in the country, Barry Allen. In the field, during an investigation of Devoe's Satellite that crashed into Central City, Lukas is bitten by a black spider that had been infused with dark matter upon the impact of the satellite giving Lukas spider-like abilities that allows him to climb on walls, sharpens his eyesight, enhances his strength, speed, and reflexes, and develops a sixth sense that allows a near precognitive ability to sense danger. As new meta humans begin to make an appearance, Lukas must do what he can to protect the city. A darker threat looms, a meta human more powerful than anything he's ever had to face. And he won't be able to stop it alone. . .

1- Nora

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The Centr...
by ElusiveWriter21