The Vampire Kings
  • Vampire
  • abusiverelationship
  • agression
  • badboy
  • boyxgirl
  • crying
  • enimies
  • fighting
  • hatelove
  • heartbreak
  • humantrafficking
  • humor
  • hunting
  • jelousey
  • lovestory
  • lovetriangle
  • mafia
  • mates
  • romance
  • sadness
  • teenfiction
  • terrifying
  • vampire
  • vampireacademy
  • vampirewerewolf
  • warriors


They always say not to look in the eyes of a vampire king and here I am doing exactly that yet to the king of all vampire kings. What goes through my head, seriously? I gulp as he walks up onto the stage, standing in front of me looking down on me showing his power. I still stare into his eyes as for one, his eyes are a gorgeous piercing, green colour and two, I'm quite stubborn. He narrows his eyes as he's expecting me to look away, whereas I don't. He raises an eyebrow showing his slight amusement. Slowly he walks around me checking me out from head to toe and it's quite uncomfortable. His fingertips trace the skin on my shoulder as he continues to walk around me intimidatingly. Softly his fingers follow up my neck and to my hair, reaching my messy bun I feel him touch my hair tie and suddenly he pulls it making my hair fall loosely down my back. Touching my hair he feels my silky hair slip through his fingers. I tense not knowing what his intentions are. I move my head away from him making everyone in the room look shocked. King Ashton lowly growls only enough for me to hear and I'm not going to lie, I'm scared. All of a sudden grabs my hair pulling it tilting my head to the side, I gasp from the pain. He leans in from behind me as I feel his breath on my neck causing goosebumps to form on my body, his sharp teeth graze my neck. Closing my eyes shut tightly I wait for the pain of his bite, yet it never came. I open one eye looking and then open the other, He lets go of my hair and stands in front of me facing the vampire audience. "I have decided on my chosen. Violet Wolf," he says loudly to everyone.

Chapter One

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