In a fight with a coven of witches the pack come out victorious, though Derek was hit by a spell that no one knows what will happen to him. In the next few hours, while everyone is at the loft, Derek retreats to his room to clean up, though when he comes back downstairs, he's not himself. He's in his wolf form and can't turn back. You might be thinking, "Oh, that isn't so bad, they'll just go to Deaton and he can fix it." Wrong. Deaton at the moment is MIA. So now it's up to Stiles to figure out how to reverse the spell before it's possibly too late. In that time, Derek sticks to Stiles side like glue never letting him out of his sight, the wolf would be lying if he wasn't a little scared of staying like that forever. Can Stiles reverse the curse? Can Derek trust in his hyperactive pack mate? Will this bring them closer? Discloser: I do not own Teen Wolf or the characters from it! I only own the idea to this Short Story! Also always credit to the artist of the art that I used in the cover, I found it on Pinterest. Thanks for reading!
Chapter 1