The Great Forever
By shhwritings
  • Teen Fiction
  • bwwm
  • death
  • heartbreak
  • love
  • pain
  • psycho
  • romance
  • sadness
  • shortstory
  • sorrow


"Everyone throughout the tri-state area knew who Elias Blanc was, they also knew that he was trouble and that he burned anyone and everyone that crossed his path. Literally, it was even in his name Elias Brûler Blanc, brûler meaning to burn in French. The year '16 was one of the best and worse for Elias he found love but also fire, for he also knew that one day he would burn himself in the end. No one knows what changed in him that year but something snapped in Elias that caused him to be ruthless, wild. Many say it was because he was high off the thrill of love while others just say he was always deemed to become more deranged as he continued on. But the world would never know what caused Elias to do what he did, to kill her. Except for the one who was able to hold heaven in her eyes. So we start off our story in the big city of New York where the wind was wailing and the sky seemed to cry out to earth through the pouring rain."

The Great Forever

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The Great...
by shhwritings