Smile Speech Babe
By ThatGirl_Jazz
  • Humor
  • anything
  • humor
  • poor
  • siblingbond
  • speechproblem


Her hands shake deep in her pocket as she walked into the corner store, afraid, yet confident in what she was about to do. There's only a cash register and about one or two people inside. Grabbing 2 bag of chips and a sneaker bar, she walks up to the register. After scanning her items the man says in a low and tired breath,"$5.98." The lady slowly takes out a gun from her pocket and shakily points it at the cash register. The mans eyes get wide and he puts his hands up. "G-g-g-give-e m-me all uh the m-m-money!" the she screams. The man behind the register scurries to do so. She looks out front to her car and says, "A-and p-p-put Fifthly o-on lumber g-gas six." The man does as told. She looks out of the store and nods to her younger brother. He hurries and fills the gas into the tank as his big sister continues in the store. "A-a-and g-give m-me all uh luh c-candly", She screams. The cash register gives her the bag of money and candy. Slowly she walks backwards while keeping the gun on the man, almost tripping in the process. "I-I-i'm o-ok, y-you didn't see t-that." she says as her face flames red. The man quickly nods his head. And she smiles. " H-have a g-g-good day, s-sir." She says as she runs out of the store. Seeing her brother finished she jumps into the car and they ride off. "W-w-we d-did it D-danny!" She says, as she laughs, cries and smiles at the same time. "Yes, yes we did." Danny says as he smiles sadly and softly, while looking at his sister. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheeran has always been slow, and she had speech problems, so people always look at her with sympathy and pity. Which she hates. When her parents died in an accident, she grabbed her little brother and ran away with him. She knew that Foster Care would separate them and she wouldn't see him again. She's willing to do anything for him, even if that meant dying.

Should I...

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Smile Spe...
by ThatGirl_Jazz