Nefarious (Tainted...
By Aquta06
  • Romance
  • abduction
  • bwwm
  • danger
  • interracial
  • love
  • lust
  • mafia
  • relationship
  • romance
  • ruthless
  • texttospeech


"What did you see?", he asks as he takes menacingly slow steps towards me. "I didn't see anything.", I lie while backing away from him. We continue our little game as I take a step back he takes a step forward. We do this until my back hits the wall and he is in my personal space. He puts either of his hands on the wall, trapping me with little to no escape route. "I'm going to ask you one more time.", he says in a dangerous low voice. "What did you see in those fucking files?" "I didn't see...", I start but he harshely cuts me off. "Don't fuck with me!", he exclaims as he points a gun to my forehead. "You better tell the truth before I blow your fucken brains out." ********************* Divine is a bubbly, kind-hearted, loving girl and is just all out amazing. Nefarious is a sadistic, wicked, ruthless, cold-hearted mafia boss. One unfortunate night, Devine is was late for an interview as the new manger of the famous hotel that is well-known. Hotel Dulce. She bumps into a man as she does a look-over her resumè and they both drop their files. After the brief exchange of words, the man leaves. She opens her file that protectively contains her resumè, attempting to get her generic information in order but as she goes over the information that is printed in a calibri font, she makes a discovery that could put her in potential danger. "This is not my file."

Nefarious (Tainted Love)- Mafia Romance

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by Aquta06