Destiny 2: Stories...
By TheDancingJedi
  • Science Fiction
  • destiny
  • destiny2
  • earth
  • forsaken
  • guardian
  • mars
  • science-fantasy
  • sciencefiction
  • space
  • titan


Guardian. Hero of the Red War. Chosen One. The list goes on. Titan. Buddy. Snitch. She'd never taken a name. Neither had her Ghost. Her actions were the only identity she'd ever known. And she'd never felt the need to change that. Not until Uldren killed her closest friend. Not until duty meant refusing the justice Cayde deserved. Not until a Guardian was expected to let darkness win. So she set out, one Titan against a lawless frontier, stalking the murderer's associates one-by-one. She found freedom in the quest. Freedom in defining herself without the shadow of obligation. For the first time in the five years since her resurrection, she'd begun to create her own identity. The only trouble was that it was built on blood. Perhaps she saw it, perhaps she didn't, but it was no coincidence that in the end, she drew her hand cannon on her enemy the same way he had drawn on her friend. Her Ghost saw it. Tried to stop her before it was too late. But whether it was justice or vengeance coursing through her veins, she didn't listen. And so began a journey that would follow her for the rest of her days.

Book of Decay | | Desperation

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Destiny 2...
by TheDancingJedi