A World of Silence
By shutup12x
  • General Fiction
  • abuse
  • abused
  • brothers
  • child
  • deaf
  • epilepsy
  • family
  • fear
  • littlebrother
  • love
  • pain
  • romance
  • seizures
  • siblings
  • stepbrothers
  • stepfamily
  • trauma


Ten year old Levine lives in a world of silence. Levi is deaf and even though he doesn't really know how to fit in or how to communicate with hearing people he still has to live in his world. He is misunderstood by his parents who seem to hate him more as the days go by. He is beat up by his siblings who couldn't hate him more if they tried. Even at school he can't catch a break. Being the only deaf kid in a school full of hearing people you can imagine how many times he will get beat up. Levi can't think of a day in his life where life was perfect. He remembers it being okay when he only had bullies at school but now having people hurting him at home he wonders if it's all worth it. The pain and the fear he experiences on a daily basis doesn't seem like it is worth it anymore. Will there ever be someone to finally make it worth it?

Chapter 1 - Understand Me, Please

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A World o...
by shutup12x