Darkest Shade - Tro...
By incxngruous
  • Fanfiction
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • troye
  • troyesivan
  • troyler
  • tyler
  • tyleroakley
  • youtube
  • youtubers


Troye leaves Australia and moves to the US to follow his dream of working in one of the biggest film companies in the world. Owned by, the one and only, Tyler Oakley. He has been obsessed with Tyler's work for years now, but his complete a utter admiration for the young film magnate could lead him down a path and lifestyle he might not like that much, at first. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT - HIGHLY explicit (SMUT WARNING). No self-harm, but I don’t know if some of the content could be triggering somehow. Expect also a lot of drama and some fluffy scenes as the story develops. This is an AU (Alternative Universe) which means the character descriptions might not match the real ones, completely. (Age, sexuality, height, weight, traits, etc. May vary slightly) Also, please take into consideration that I speak Spanish even though the story is written in English. So expect some grammatical errors and either point them out nicely or deal with them until I get an editor, if I ever do. That being said, any constructive criticism is always welcomed. Please enjoy x.


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Darkest S...
by incxngruous