Secret Agent- Girl
By SomethingSpecialx
  • Action
  • agent
  • alex
  • chapter
  • collin
  • girl
  • lies
  • love
  • ryan
  • secret
  • spies
  • spy
  • teresa


Ryan Tull was the best of the best in Agents of America, America's top spy facility. That is, until she was captured in an elaborate plan by the AoE, Agents of England. There, Ryan is given a choice: She could spy for the AoE and spill all information of the AoA, putting all of her former colleagues in danger, or rot in a cell in the AoE's facility until she cracks. Either decision will change her life forever. And what about the boy who lured her into the trap? Collin Greene, her old friend whom she lost all memories of when she was recruited into the AoA. Find out what happens in this exciting book, packed with tons of action as well as romance and humor!

Secret Agent- Girl

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Secret Ag...
by SomethingSpecialx