By doveywolfie101
  • Humor
  • alluraxoc
  • keithxpidge
  • lancexoc
  • ocs
  • pokemon
  • shiroxoc
  • voltron
  • voltronlegendarydefender
  • voltronocs
  • ốc


This is based on Earth with the paladins, Alteans and OCs of mine and my friends living on Earth. HEADS UP, this will be terrible. Razlings (Pokémon, but I changed the name to suit another couple of stories I'm writing for the OCs) are a creature that connects itself to a person who it sees redeeming qualities in them. Razlings have unique powers to suit their species, and to help their partner. Argonias are like humans and Alteans mashed into one species; they have human skin tones usually, they have their own unique markings, they can camouflage, mimic other voices as well as change what they look like to be exactly like someone else but they are unable to change their gender. Eg - Isabelle (my Argonia) changes to look like Keith, but she still has her...lady parts. Nicole Genevieve (yes, she's in my oc book) is a Galra-Altean hybrid and Allura's best friend. Sir Edel (he's not in the OC book yet) is an Altean guard who has a crush on Allura and is close with everyone.

Characters and Their Razling

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by doveywolfie101