project abyss
By Kiariolu
  • Action
  • action-adventure
  • futuristic
  • humor
  • slightromance


every hero and villain story is the same. the hero fights the villain and wins before they take over the world. then the hero gets the girl and its all goodie goodie gumdrops for the rest of there life! but what happens when you add reality to the mix? would the 'hero' even do what he does? would the outcome be the same? when the hero finds his group, does he make them friends, or be skeptical of everything everyone does at all times? what happens when your villains evolve so much, you look death in the face time after time, after time? what happens when you're created for something but when your biggest challenge stares you in the face, you brake down into pieces? but hey, what do i know, im just rambling to myself. ain't shit to do when you see everything, but can't move.

~~~~chapter one~~~~

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project a...
by Kiariolu