Peter Pevensie x Re...
By Chaosrunner
  • Romance
  • narniafanfic
  • narniaxreader
  • narniaxreaderlemon
  • peterpevensie
  • peterpevensiexreader
  • peterpevensiexreaderlemon
  • peterxreader
  • peterxreaderlemon
  • pevensiexreader


Susan didn't have time to warn the others as a fleet of arrows rained down upon them and the beavers. They ran and ducked away as more came after them. The beavers led the way as they all ran from the sharp objects plummeting down upon them grazing them but ultimately missing. Peter watched one arrow in particular flying straight for Mrs. Beaver. He cried out and was quick to move her out of the way. He rolled seeming Mrs. Beaver was smaller than he as he grasped her to avoid the arrow. As he and Mrs. Beaver looked up they saw an arrow aiming for Lucy and Susan. Fear clenched around Peter's chest as he watched the arrow grow closer and closer knowing all too well that he wouldn't be able to reach them in time. He cried out to them but as they turned he knew it was all over. A loud cry echoed out as someone fell from the hills above rolling downwards. Thuds echoed out beside Susan and Lucy and as Peter looked he only saw a blur of pale skin as the arrows aiming for the girls was now embedded in a large shield. Susan and Lucy where safe. For now.

The lion's camp and A Viking

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Peter Pev...
by Chaosrunner