[ON HOLD] After defeating Kira, the group had parted ways. Mr. Joestar and Jotaro left Morioh-Cho; Josuke, Koichi, Yukako and Okuyasu kept going to school 'till summer vacation was given; Rohan focused mostly on his manga. Everyone's life came back to normal, some of them barely encountering eachother. For example, Rohan and Josuke didn't see each other if not when around Koichi or on pure coincidence. Which was totally fine for them: Rohan hated Josuke, while the other...simply couldn't stand Rohan. He wouldn't really call it hate, but it was something similiar. Summer vacations finally came for the students. They had the whole day free of duties, unless we count cleaning chores and that little amount of vacation homework. Surprisingly, the group started seeing each other more. Either around town, or at the beach. Rohan decided that, being summer, he would take the opportunity to relax sometimes. Just sometimes. This is where it all started.