Solving For X (Boyx...
By Poetically-Damaged
  • Teen Fiction
  • boyxboy
  • gay
  • lgbt
  • manxman
  • math
  • slash
  • yaoi


Price Bigg + Jeremy Smalle = Best Friends. If Price Bigg x Googly Eyes at his best friend = ALWAYS and Jeremy Smalle + Basic Comprehension Skills = Syntax Error, solve the following problem: Price Bigg can't quite solve his goofy best friend, Jeremy Smalle, amateur high school swimmer and professional alien conspiracy theorist. He devices the equation A+B=4(x) to try and solve him, but he can't quite complete, or solve it. Jeremy thinks he may have made another mistake by suggesting that his newly out friend take Jeremy on a date. Everything's coolio and majorly fabuloso at first. But then the hand holding and the constant math jokes and the standing so close to each other start to make him think he's the biggest idiot ever. He can't quite tell why he feels so strange about them. He expresses this feeling with the equation fu=x. Task: Solve for X. Round your answer to the nearest heartbeat.

1. Equations

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Solving F...
by Poetically-Damaged