By G3mzSp4c3
  • Romance
  • brokenheart
  • happy
  • lovestory
  • sadending
  • sadness


Dear Hunter, You of all people should know what this letter means. It means you left, that even though you said you wouldn't leave you claimed something we didn't even have to be "unhealthy". We both know that the words you spoke are those of a coward. That's probably a reason i like you, don't worry my feelings will never fade ,not fully anyway. Still, i found similarities between us, i'm cowardly but there's a difference between being cowardly and being a coward Hunter, we both know that, right? Naomi asks constantly if i love you. Of course, that's clear as day, i love everyone i can form a close connection with. I loved you as a friend but i liked you as more than that. i love you like i love Naomi, who has been my closest friend for 6 years now. I don't know why i decided to start writing the end of the story but every story starts at the end of another, so if anyone else finds this,they know now, that we wont work out, they will know how cruel you were to me. and as they read this they'll become attached to the idea of us,just as i did. Unlike m,e,they'll remind themselves of how it wont work, they'll remind themselves that it'll end badly. Though, they'll still read with hope. though that hope will do nothing to change what you did. sincerely, A broken heart.


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by G3mzSp4c3