Demons of life
By Emerald1277
  • Fantasy
  • abusive-mother
  • adventure
  • blueexorcist
  • demons
  • fantasy
  • friendships
  • kuro
  • love
  • magic
  • mephisto
  • trustworthy


First book probably gonna be bad. The story of a half demon that goes through life pretending she is human her familiars by her side include her hell hounds with beautiful black fur and golden eyes and a cat sidhe named Kuro following her around as she journeys from city to small town and the adjustments of finding people she can trust with her secret. She's been abused by her mother since her father disappeared when she was 6. She is now 16 and has been abused for ten years she's tired of it and runs away finding a couple friends on the way eventually learning to trust again. She finds a friend within the nephilim race as well as within the werewolf race along with other friends. Lilly and Lyon are both hell hounds. They have two forms their hell hound form and their human realm form. While in human realm form They are both puppies both with beautiful black fur and golden eyes. Kuro as well as Rin and the others besides my Ocs are from an anime and manga called blue exocist and are not mine.


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Demons of...
by Emerald1277