With A Rebel Yell (...
By SingMeAmelody_
  • Fanfiction
  • blackveilbrides
  • bvb
  • christiancoma
  • rocknroll
  • singmeamelody


He was the boy I always saw after school in the garage. He was the boy I never talked to. He was the bad boy of the neighbourhood. He was a high school drop out. He was the boy who could have any girl he ever wanted. He was the boy I always thought was a complete ass hole. He was the boy I could never see myself with. But he managed to waltz into my dreams, there was just something about him that made me drawn to him. - Charlotte Roadé She was the girl who always passed my house to get to hers two doors down. She was the girl I wanted to talk to, but had nothing to say. She was the goody two shoes that never did anything bad, but she had the capability to. She was the honor roll student. She was the type of girl that only had one relationship, if you could call it that. She was the girl I never saw myself with. But she managed to dance her way into my thoughts, something about her made me feel like she was different then who she led on to be. - Christian Coma


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With A Re...
by SingMeAmelody_