Tangled Thoughts
By UniqueRaindrop9715
  • Random
  • anxiety
  • change
  • diary
  • experience
  • findinghappiness
  • findingyourself
  • growingup
  • idontknowwhatimdoing
  • journal
  • life
  • lifeevents
  • love
  • nonfiction
  • pain
  • poetry
  • rants
  • storiesandmore
  • tangled
  • thoughts
  • youngadult


Welcome to Tangled Thoughts A place where I lay it all out in the open like a proud amateur artist displays their artwork with all its imperfections. All of these crazy, broken, tangled thoughts that rattle around in my head and sometimes leave me feeling insane. A place where my poetry can paint pictures of wildflowers and broken dreams, like sugar and salt mixed in an old ceramic bowl. A place where stories of my life float aimlessly like a fragile jellyfish in an ocean full of dangers. Where I can let it all out and maybe find that small piece of peace within myself. Maybe I'll inspire someone or let them know they aren't alone. I'm not sure what this book really is, I just know it's beginning of something. Join me? *Updated! I changed the intro and added a couple new chapters. -Aly


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Tangled T...
by UniqueRaindrop9715