Simple Tips to Star...
By hsdalex66
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So you've decided that you're tired of the love handles. You're tired of not being able to fit into those stylish jeans from 3 years ago. Or maybe you want to cut weight for a sporting event. Maybe you're doing it for health reasons - you have diabetes, or heart disease, or any number of conditions that improve with weight loss. Or, maybe you just want there to be less of you hanging around. Regardless of the reason, Weight Loss is no easy task. There's a reason why there's tons of paid literature and videos on the subject. It requires consistent work and discipline. Not to worry though! Here are some simple tips to get you started on your journey. Understand the Basics The basic principle used to lose weight is called Calories In, Calories out. This principle is focused on calorie consumption. According to Calories In, Calories Out, or CICO for short, you want to consume less calories than you would burn in a day. For example, let's just say you burn 3000 calories. If you were to consume only 2500 calories in a day, consistently throughout the week, you would lose weight. Is your head spinning? Do you not want to deal with calorie counting right now? Well, good news - chances are you can make an easy change to consume less calories. But before we talk about that, we need to address... Read More :

Things You Practice For Weight Loss That Are Totally Wrong

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Simple Ti...
by hsdalex66