Transported (A Mine...
By MinePeggy
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I never thought I would be part of something like this. I never thought I would have a destiny and a purpose to pass down. Yeah, I'm normal enough, I guess. I have secrets. I have hopes. I have.... well, yeah. If you put aside that I am part of a prophecy to defeat some dragons and I transported into Minecraft to do so. Yeah, let's go with that. Like I said, I have secrets. Don't we all? In fact, don't we all have something we are destined to do? So, my secret, it's kind of, extraordinary, I guess. But enough about my secret. You probably don't want me to go on about something I won't show, at least not yet. So, this prophecy thing, I'm not alone to fulfill. I'm part of a team. We all have secrets. And by secrets, I mean, something strange. Trust me, when you see it, you'll know. So, my team and I, we will fulfill our destiny, well, hopefully. We all have a purpose in life. Mine is to save people. To save the world. With my team, the Chosen Ones. I am Peggy, and I was transported.

Epilogue Part 2 of 3

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by MinePeggy