Loving someone from...
By PrincessCalvan
  • Short Story
  • theonethatgodsallow
  • totga


Friendships are one of life's greatest joys, but what if you find yourself falling in love with your best friend? What should you do?We hopeless romantics, we wait.It's a shame that we still manage to pour our hearts out. We keep waiting for something that won't reciprocate and we tend to find an excuse for anything that doesn't seem right at first glance. It is a confusing stage, in which you wonder if you are doing the right thing or not - but more than likely you always end up convincing yourself to keep holding on to the person you love. We hopeless romantics always find a reason to stay, no matter the troubles and painful sleepless nights - we long for the day that one person turns back and runs into our arms.Here's a story that will prove you that no matter how long it takes, if he's the the The one that God's allow, he will be back. In God's perfect timing.

Chapter 1

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Loving so...
by PrincessCalvan