Since We Met (Compl...
By The_genius_pen19
  • Fanfiction
  • abishek
  • arishfa
  • avneetkaur
  • breaks
  • collegelove
  • couple
  • cute
  • dramatic
  • family
  • hatred
  • hearts
  • jannat
  • love
  • mouniroy
  • music
  • musicband
  • nigam
  • passion
  • relationship
  • rich
  • siddharthnigam
  • sidneet
  • teen


This is a SidNeet fanfic, hope you guys like it! What is more powerful than anger? Does everyone know or has everyone been a witness of it? Aryan, a rich spoiled brat was certain of one thing: Anger and hatred are the most powerful things ever until he meets Ria, a rich angry bird. These two have crossed many dark incidents in their life. They are not afraid of darkness because they live in it. Things takes a turn when these two get to meet each other. Of course, it's a real disaster! But the destiny has planned something else for them: Love. Will the merger of their darkness become their light? Will they be able to get each other out of their darkside to show each other that future depends only on present? Who knows "Hatred + Hatred = LOVE" ♾ Would they get that "love" easily? Would that love make them one forever? Would that "love" be invisible until loosing each other? Would that love last long?


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Since We...
by The_genius_pen19