The Secret of Jande...
By cherryredAzelea
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • mystery


(normal-narrator, Cassidy) *Most 15-year olds have to worry about homework. Me? No, I'm different. My biggest problem is staying alive long enough to deliver that homework excuse.* When nightlings pounce in a dark alley one night, Cassidy and Jake's lives are changed forever. They find their true origins... and the truth is bittersweet. After that one fateful night, in a tumult of events, they find themselves in a different world, and they realize that their fate is woven with that of this world. They want nothing to do with all of this, but they can't escape this. Everything and everyone they hold dear is at risk, and the fate of the world, of both worlds, is in their hands. If they want to have any chance to win this battle, there's only one thing left to do - uncover the Secret of Jandell.

Friday Night.

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The Secre...
by cherryredAzelea