Why did I have to f...
By cannielove
  • Non-Fiction
  • cannie
  • ihateyouiloveyou


Carson and Annie hate each other ... why do they hate each other? Why do they also love each other? Why is Carson so protective over Annie but they hate each other?... find out in my new story " why did I have to fall in love with you!?" Characters Annie-16- likes and hates Carson Carson- 17- likes and hates Annie Hayden- 21- Annie's brother- likes Mackenzie Jayden- has a crush on Carson- Annie's bff- 16 Mackenzie-19-has a crush on Hayden- Annie's rival Johnny- likes Annie- Annie's boy bestie- 17 Ruby-likes Johnny-13- Annie's rival - hates Carson Hayley- Annie's little sister-10-Carson's little bff Annie's mom Tammy-thinks Carson and Annie should date- 45 (Annie's dad is dead) Annie is depressed because her twin sister died and her oldest brother died and her dad died and her child died. Annie and Carson used to date and had sex, Annie had a kid and NEVER told Carson about Bella, there little girl...

Last year, the last day of school

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Why did I...
by cannielove