Eyes of the Soul
By beybladerfin
  • Fanfiction
  • argent
  • derekhale
  • derekxstiles
  • kiraxscott
  • lydiamartin
  • scottmccall
  • sterek
  • stiles
  • stilesstilinski
  • teenwolf


(Sterek Fan fiction. Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale)Stiles Stilinski is the one who always figures it out. A week later after all the Nogitsune businesses, he begins to relax, convinced that a evil Japanese fox won't come back and try to murder him, or demonic ninjas would start to randomly ambush him. Apart from the fact that he's still mourning over the loss of Allison and Aiden ,he is happy things are back to normal again. Derek Hale is glad that everything worked out okay but sad and beating himself up since Aiden and Allison died. He copes by hanging out with Scott,Stiles and the rest of the gang, in hopes that they can comfort him. Scott is still really upset Allison died and it has impacted him greatly. Kira tries to give him some room so he can grieve and she spends time with Lydia who is also taking Allison's and Aiden's loss greatly. Everything is normal until an unlikely enemy appears in the weeks to come after the gang has let their guard down. Once again, something cometh to Beacon Hills.

Prologue/Author's Note

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Eyes of t...
by beybladerfin