The Mansion of Butt...
By DrPepperKing
  • Horror
  • fanfiction
  • fatalframe
  • scary
  • yuki


Yuki ,taking a step back, trips on a fallen, wrapped up, body. As she laid on body the decaying one stood and advanced towards Yuki. "Save me.....Save me...... Save me." Came from the tearing mouth of the decaying body. The left arm ripped off with an inhuman scream from the victim.The throat looked as if it was slit open.Everywhere on the body had puncture wounds. Maggots Fell from wounds and its eyes. Yuki turned her head and emptied the contents of her stomach. Turning her head back towards the decaying body, she couldn't see the body in her sight. The blood was nowhere to be seen, all that remained of the decaying body was the stain on the altar. Jumping to her her feet, Yuki headed away from the body that she layed on. A book sat on the altar where the body fell. Yuki walked forward and picked it up. "The Crimson Ritual?" Yuki questioned out loud. I do not own Fatal Frame, its story line, or its characters . I only own my characters. There is going to be a mix from most of the games.

The Mansion of Butterflies

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The Mansi...
by DrPepperKing