The Story Of The Un...
By Kirito_Tommy
  • brainfood
  • gekyume
  • multipleuniverse


Ever wonder why XXXTentacion named his child Gekyume? Or even why XXXTentacion existed in the first place? Or even why you existed in the first place? At this specific point in time, at this specific place in the universe you are existing. Why? I've only just begun to let my mind roam about the possibilities but I want to make it public as to where my thoughts lead me and maybe open up your minds as well to further thought. I don't know exactly where this story will lead or if it will even end, but isn't that the jist of it? We just don't know where the universe will lead us, but I truly believe that it is leading me down this path as long as I have the faith to take the leap into the next 'Gekyume'.

Chapter 1: The Brain Named Itself and The Universe?

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The Story...
by Kirito_Tommy