my hero
By skyyhy_
  • Fanfiction


Taylor is 16. She suffers from leukemia. Taylor is a very quiet girl. She doesn't have any friends. After her mom died she shut everybody out. No one wants to get to know her. All she does is read, paint, sing, and play guitar. Everybody thinks she's weird because she always has a book with her. Her sister Molly has a boyfriend. He's Harry Styles. When Harry and the band come to visit Molly for a few months they bring some friends. 5sos. Another band. None of the One Direction boys like Taylor. When the 5sos boys come Luke and Ashton seem to fancy her. Luke likes her for her not just for the looks. Luke likes how she loves to read and paint and play guitar. He really loves her taste in music. But why does Ashton like her? Will Taylor shut Luke and Ashton out like everybody else?

my hero

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my hero
by skyyhy_