"Do you like this?" He asks, voice thick with sensuality while intertwining our hands. His grip is firm, warm but there is no tingling sensation whatsoever. "I'm not against it." I reply blandly. He sighs in frustration, nostrils flaring. Bringing my hand to his lips he plants a delicate kiss on my skin. "What about this?" Hmmmm. Nothing. "Jury's still out." I reply deadpan, trying to pay attention to the movie. I can hear the agitation in his raspy breaths. Hopefully he's given up by now- "What about..." He trails off, dragging a feather light touch from my knee cap to under the unventured depths of my skirt. "...this?" ___________ Bryce Chester gets herself involved in a crew of robbers when she accidentally sees their British brainiac -Hero Fiennes Tiffin- unmasked after the incident. Will she use this knowledge for the right reasons or is blackmail just too appealing? [Unedited]
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