Chaos Realms|| Pris...
By Leostar729
  • Fantasy
  • arcs
  • bxb
  • dragons
  • elves
  • femalelead
  • fight
  • fxb
  • game
  • guilds
  • love
  • multiplelives
  • nanowrimo2018
  • transgender
  • transmigration
  • truefamily
  • worldhopping


Aria has been stuck in the same room for years. The place that was supposed to bring healing has unintentionally became her prison instead. Struggling day in and day out not only with the sickness ruling her body, but the isolation that rules her life. Longing to touch the world outside of her prison she begins to lose hope of every truly experiencing the outside world. Until one day her parents bring her a gift. One that will give her hope but could very likely claim her young life before her sickness. Either way she knows her time is limited and she intends to the rest of her short life to the fullest. No matter if it will be the game that claims her first or the sickness that plagues her.

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Chaos Rea...
by Leostar729