Thunder & Light...
By musiclover07ish
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • adventure
  • history
  • horror
  • mystery
  • romance
  • sci-fi
  • thriller
  • twins


Most avid readers pick up a book expecting something in return from reading said book. It could be many things, they could be seeking daring and adventure, or mystery and shocking thrills, gruesome horror, or the seemingly most popular love and romance. Well my good readers if your still with me I'm going show you a story that has all that. Where to begin? I guess the best way is with the main characters. Yes, more then one. In fact twins, but not your average twins. You hear twins and think they must either be very similar or very different. These twins are brother and sister, identical, and act like any other brother and sister would. They don't have some weird telepathy between them. They don't do everything together and they don't like the same things and they don't have completely contradicting personalities. These twins are like any other,but..... ah yes the nefarious but. Yes, well if they were completely normal why would there be a story about them? They are orphans, these twins lived with their aunt (who has no importance to the story line at all, besides giving some background) when they turned 18 they moved out and set out for college both wanting to live a life of exploring they went to a college just for that. then they both got jobs from the same company and set out to explore. (Oh, right there names are important aren't they? The girl twin is Lillian, and the boy twin is Theodor.) Their story begins with them going on a routine trip to Rome for the opening exhibit of an artifact they found in the catacombs of the Colosseum. So that should be enough info to get the ball rolling right? So if you've actually taken the time to read my rambling then the story can now comense...............................................................................

Authors Note - background of characters and the story

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by musiclover07ish