My name is Charlie...
By VictorieSilence
  • Fantasy
  • anger
  • blunt
  • charlie
  • crime
  • deomn
  • disire
  • fantasy
  • hate
  • lgbt
  • love
  • manipulative
  • mxm
  • mxw
  • non-binary
  • nsfw
  • pansexual
  • samesex
  • self-pity
  • sexual
  • underwold
  • vampire


He's That voice in the back of my head that speaks to me. Some would call him a Demon. Other's would call him a Savior. He cares for neither title. He's here to do what he wants, when he wants, to who he wants. Sometimes he can be a bit harsh with the way he speaks to you. But he's honest to the point of being brutal. So he doesn't believe in beating around the bush. One of the things he hates most in the world is people who wallow in self-pity. He doesn't see the point in feeling sorry for yourself when there are more important things to do. If you really want to see Charlie get angry, let him see you try to manipulate someone. He will put a stop to it quickly. And usually painfully. When he isn't busy making your life painful by being himself, he's busy being his pursuing his romantic/sexual interest. Through his long life, he has learned that love is something that is fleeting but should be cherished. Even if it means laying with someone of the same sex and various gender identities. Overall, Charlie is an absolute sweetheart that would give is life for the one that he loves. These are little one-shot stories of my boy Charlie. These will explain who he is, and what he's done throughout his life. Some one-shots will be child-friendly, others will be devilishly seductive. So read at your own risk.

The Wolf's Fang

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My name i...
by VictorieSilence