#Craddicts: A Write...
By tobuildakingdom
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  • writersgroup
  • writinggroup


Do you need people to bounce ideas off and experience the journey of authorship with? Are you looking for a fun, supportive, and talented group of writer's to interact with? Do you want a group that you can truly connect with? Then we are the group for you! Our writing group was created from each of our desire to find a group where we can feel safe to share our stories and workshop the writing process. We understand the struggles of writing and we will lament with you! But, we also know the feeling of a successful moment in our literary journey, so we will celebrate with you every step of the way! If this sounds good to you, read through our book, get to know our members, and make the choice of whether or not this is a group you can flourish in!

❝ mission statement ❞

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by tobuildakingdom