Radical Shifts
By PeteMason0
  • Spiritual
  • bi-polar
  • catholic
  • christian
  • memoir
  • music
  • myztery
  • priesthood
  • rock
  • spirituality


Radical Shifts is the true story of a man's search for himself through rock music and then priesthood and back to rock even harder. Pete Mason started playing guitar in elementary school and continued in bands in high school and beyond. He went on wild road trips and was addicted to drugs and a life of promiscuity until one day he experienced Jesus Christ calling him to a new life. Pete later heard a voice while on retreat calling him to be a priest, which he initially ran away from but later followed and was ordained in 1994 for the Archdiocese of Vancouver, BC, Canada. All was well for a couple of years until he experienced great difficulties with a superior and was eventually removed from his church and sent home. Some time passed until Pete had a nervous breakdown and was admitted to a psych ward where he was diagnosed bi-polar. After many years in and out of churches he realized that God was calling him to leave the priesthood to get married and start a band: Myztery.

The Chair of Peter

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Radical S...
by PeteMason0