The Burden of Knowl...
By RandomAccountName23
  • Fanfiction
  • academy
  • apocalypse
  • fanfiction
  • future
  • kids
  • love
  • netflixoriginalseries
  • romance
  • timetravel
  • umbrella
  • umbrellaacademy


"Knowledge is a burden-once taken up, it can never be discarded".-Stephen R. Lawhead. Mary Burke was one of forty-three children from across the world that came into existence in a single day by some freak event. She was one of the lucky few however, that had parents that were actually married the day her mother gave birth...also coincidentally, the day she got pregnant. Because of this incident Mary was born with unique powers that no one seemed to be able to explain. She had visions. Whether they be visions of the past or the future, any time she comes across anything that triggers these visions, she sees images of things that have either already happened...or things to come. But unfortunately for her, her visions come with a side effect. Every time she has a vision, she suddenly becomes the age that she would be if she were alive during that event. She could be twenty five one day, and then have a vision of World War two, and suddenly be eighty-seven within minutes. However, on this particular occasion, Mary has a vision in the form of a nightmare. She sees an Apocalypse happening eight days from the present day, a group of six adults and one teenager, and strangely Umbrella. The weirdness continues when she wakes up as a thirteen year old and runs into the teenager from her vision, claiming they grew old together after the end of the world.

Chapter One: Could This Day Get Any Worse?

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The Burde...
by RandomAccountName23