Dark Eyes { Thomas...
By ambertherainbowsheep
  • Historical Fiction
  • bad
  • boy
  • brodie
  • got
  • maze
  • newt
  • runner
  • sangster
  • thomas
  • thomasbrodiesangster


Violet Chase is the new girl, but despite what all the books, tv shows and movies say, she won't zip to the top of the food chain and be the most popular girl in school. That doesn't bother her, because she likes slipping into the background, it's what she does best. Violet is basically the definition of an introvert. She's nerdy, shy, and finds peace in being alone. And, at first, she succeeds in fading into the background in her new school, making a few new friends but mostly, she remains invisible. This is exactly what she needs. But, what she doesn't know is that all of this is going to change. Starting the night before her first day of school, when she's saved by a mysterious stranger, with dark, enticing eyes. The problem was, he never gave his name. Violet had accepted the fact she would never see him again... Or so she thinks. When violet starts school, she manages to, yet again, land herself in a sticky situation ( you think she would've learnt, right?) And, her saviour makes an appearance to rescue her again. But something made this boy different from the rest, something she couldn't quite put her finger on just yet. Once she finally puts a name to a face, curtosy of her FBI level investigator best friend, she realises it's the one and only Thomas Sangster, the token heart throb bad boy... Although, it isn't all sunshine and rainbows after that. After all, he isn't exactly a warm, happy, cuddly teddy bear of guy, which is Violet's normal type. In fact, he's the exact opposite. He's cold, closed off, a mystery that just "begs to be solved" as the girls at school put it. He keeps to himself, (mostly) doesn't have many friends and the ones that he does have are all in 'that' group. He's the guy that every girl wants, so why does he want violet?

Dark Eyes { Thomas Sangster }

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Dark Eyes...
by ambertherainbowsheep