Dark Times in Kuchi...
By ElmiZulkarnainOsman
  • Vampire
  • banshee
  • ghost
  • hantu
  • horror
  • horrorstorycontest
  • kuching
  • kuyang
  • leyak
  • malaysia
  • manananggal
  • nukekubi
  • paranormal
  • penanggal
  • penanggalan
  • sarawak
  • seram
  • supernatural
  • vampire


A supernatural horror novella about the Penanggalan by Dr Elmi Zulkarnain Osman. "Still to this day, I remember flicking through the confidential files about a series of horrible killings occurring in the maternity wards of Kuching's biggest hospital during my flight over. Allegedly around 12 new mothers, six new-born babies and two expectant mothers, had been horribly murdered in a period of around seven months, each seemingly having their blood drained from their body." "The thing I recall more than anything, on entering that room was the stench of stale blood. Now don't get me wrong, most murder scenes do smell of death, decay and usually blood, but on this occasion that horrible, metallic odour seemed to be much more prominent than many of the murder scenes I'd been in previously. Usually there is just the expected level of gore in a crime scene, and is often spread over a wider area, however in this macabre setting, it seemed almost as if the maximum amount of blood had been removed from the corpse and instead of the splatter patterns one would usually find, it seemed as if much of the wasted bodily fluids were concentrated into one area."

Dark Times in Kuching

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Dark Time...
by ElmiZulkarnainOsman