Until You Reach Me
By poofyfiona
  • Romance
  • dominant
  • gay
  • lgbt
  • loveislove
  • submissive
  • teacherlove
  • teachers


Highschool life has been stereotyped as the time of finding that one true person, that soulmate, that one and only, true love for the rest of your life. Hoping to find that bad boy with the leather jacket, or the cute boy with big glasses and over-sized sweaters. Ericson Noli, however, has fallen short. Already graduated from university, and now finding himself in a job that he coudn't possibly endure the boredom off, being a teacher. But it is better than - to his disinterest- to return to his quite traumatizing and horrifying past. He thought he could finally get past it, finally move on. Until someone just had to reach all the way to him, and come in between. This someone is able to make him weak on the knees and melt his heart, but also burn and scar him more. And, oh boy, did he cry and sob over spilt milk. Scary pasts, spilt tea, loving moments and steamy nights, got Ericosn Noli on his hands and knees, but he could care less, just until he could reach Him.

Characters :)

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Until You...
by poofyfiona