NaJ Ink X Error | L...
By thetwinsdivine
  • Fanfiction
  • errink
  • naj
  • unlimitedpride
  • wattys2019


Ink Encre. A sixteen-year-old skeleton that goes to a High School named MultiUnderVerse High. He is smart and known by literally everyone in the school. Error Fallacy. A fifteen-year-old skeleton who also goes to the same school as Ink. He's intelligent and also known by everyone. Though the two might seem close, they absolutely hate each other. Whatever one does, the other wants to do better. Whatever one says, the other always has a comeback. They never get along and no one is sure they ever will. It's now time for the two to start their Junior year in High school. It's a new start... but not for them. It's the same pattern; argue, fight, hate, destroy. But... when one of them is in danger, the other is there to help him. Now their pattern is starting to change... Their feelings, their thoughts, their needs, their wants... They can't handle it... "Is this what love feels like?"


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NaJ Ink X...
by thetwinsdivine