The rider of darkne...
By thehugger011
  • Fanfiction
  • ghostrider
  • malereader
  • rwby


Now we all know that once upon a time, when the old hero Ozma was at his lowest point in time, dealing with the guilt and sadness of losing his love and children, he gave some of his own magical powers to four young women, making the four seasonal maidens. But what if he wasn't the only one to have reached their lowest and decided to give magic to another who deserved it. What if Salem, during her years alone on the planet that was a remnant of its former glory, decided to bestow her magic onto someone who just wanted to help, someone who has lived in the presence of the guilty for years and wanted things to change. What if this same person became Salem and Ozma's most loyal subject when their rein began? What if he was still alive, today? Punishing the guilty to a personal hell inside their own souls. One would think that this persons presence in events to come would change a great deal, let's see shall we?

The Riders interference

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The rider...
by thehugger011