Count Down To Love
By FallingFromSanity
  • Fantasy
  • romance


Millascent Eve Karrera has been waiting for twenty-five years to meet her soulmate but when the countdown on her wrist hits zero her entire life will change. She learns that humans are not the only inhabitants of this world and her soulmate is the most powerful of these other inhabitants but that does not mean she is safe from the others that may harm her, no it means that she is a target. Who wouldn't want to take down the big guy and claim that title themselves? She is his only weakness but maybe she can help him. Leonidas Godrick has been alive since before the first humans existed. He is the first of creation on this earth and the most powerful. Elves are very powerful as it is but the king? He has been waiting for four billion five hundred forty million years for his soulmate and when he finds her he will do everything he can to protect her. If that means lying to her and possibly leaving her forever he will but if it means that he must to lock her away from the world he will do that as well. How does a man that has never know the love of family love his soulmate? How does a man that does not know what love is care for a woman?

I~Count Down Begins~

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Count Dow...
by FallingFromSanity