Double Trouble (A J...
By my_youtubefanfics11
  • Fanfiction
  • finnfinnthebettertwin
  • finnharries
  • harriestwins
  • jackharries
  • jackjackthebetterchap
  • jacksgap
  • mufinn


Moving for college can be hard. That's how Andrea Evers from Sunny Side California felt when she arrived in London to attend the prestigious University of Oxford. It was worth the studying, the new climate, and even the large load of work given, but there was one question: What about her social life? Even as it didn't seem that important, Andrea missed her friends dearly and missed the empty feeling of a sad memory. She struggled at first to make friends with others until she meets a fellow classmate and super charming boy, Jackson Harries, whom she attempts to try to get to know better and create a good friendship base, and perhaps more. But, while Andrea gets to know Jack, certain confusions occur between the two and Andrea learns a surprising, but quite obvious discovery- Jack has a twin. A twin named Finnegan Harries. Both are quite attractive, and are both attracted to her as well, and the bond between Finn, Jack, and Andrea become stronger, and the tension of who Andrea loves increases as well. Who will Andrea choose, and how will it end? Copyright © my_youtubefanfics11. All Rights Reserved.

Double Trouble (A Jack and Finn Harries FanFiction)

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Double Tr...
by my_youtubefanfics11